IT 2016 (I know, I have to spell it “I.T. made in 2016″, to not be mistaken with 1990 It, a television miniseries) is a B thriller directed by John Moore and written mostly by the obscure Dan Kay, who seems specialized in the low rated niche of horrors. One of those is Pay the Ghost (2015), one of Nicolas Cage’s $1 for the dozen movies. Additional dialogues were written by William Wisher Jr., who’s most impressive contribution to date was something he added to 1984 The Terminator. It is an Irish/French/Danish co-production, dedicated to Beau St. Claire, a former Pierce Brosnan’s producing partner.

I.T. – Pierce Brosnan and James Frecheville
[source of all pics:]
IT 2016 – Prologue
Director: John Moore (Behind Enemy Lines – 2001)
Writers: Dan Kay, William Wisher Jr. (additional dialogues writer for ready to launch B or C movies)
Starring: Pierce Brosnan, James Frecheville, Anna Friel, Michael Nyqvist, Stefanie Scott
Director John Moore wasn’t very bad here, he tried to give this terrible screenplay some fluidity. He’s mostly known for Behind Enemy Lines, where he put Owen Wilson in a war drama and kept his head up despite the bad reviews, including Roger Ebert‘s, who was tagging the film as a comedy. I understood the humor in it because I’ve watched once on youtube a mocked trailer of Egoyan’s Ararat, tagged as a comedy. You have it here, just to cut the main subject’s blandness. Between us, Behind Enemy Lines‘ victims were Bosnian Muslims, not Armenians, so to laugh at the following trailer is like whistling during sermon. In the public opinion’s view, to say about Behind Enemy Lines that it is a comedy because it starred Owen Wilson, is just a little incorrect.
Plot and Cast or Cast and Plot, Whatever You Like
Pierce Brosnan (“Mike Regan”), less James Bondish than ever, doesn’t let us forget he’s Irish, so he mixed up some spying stuff from The November Man with his alcoholic character in The Matador, and with his native tongue and produced a violent aviation entrepreneur, who invented the app called OMNI, which allegedly will be for Jet Planes what Uber is for taxis. Now, you understand that he “invented” this app like Steve Jobs “invented” the MacBook Pro, he just had the idea, and some IT team would start to actually make it.
Before developing the app and the business concerning the app, he wanted to make his jet rental’s company, a public one. But for launching an IPO you need investors and some approvals.

I.T. – Pierce Brosnan
The Australian James Frecheville (January 8, 1991, Melbourne) is “Ed Porter”, an IT guy, hence the movie’s name. Unbelievable, he is an apt IT professional employed as a temp in Brosnan’s (pardon, “Mike Regan’s”) company. He was as good as this freaky role could let him. I’m not necessarily encouraging you to spend your time with this movie, but this “Porter” is predictably the bad guy eventually. I vaguely remember him from Adore (2013), but I’ve heard that he was outstandingly good in Animal Kingdom (2010), an Aussie flick with a lot of local waves.

I.T. – Again, Brosnan with Frecheville, further in the movie
I’m not telling you about Michael Nyqvist (the star in the original The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009) and Colonia (2015), among many others), just in case you’re going to watch this “horror-thriller”. He is good enough, quite creepy in how he shows himself around.
Anna Friel was terrible, in this less than supporting role. She was asked once “Are you OK?”, and “Are you all right?” in another scene, or something like that, anyway, and her answers were “No, I’m not OK”, respectively “No, I’m not all right”, in an irritated tone… Her acting is almost the same, everywhere. Oh, she was perfect in her bland role in “Pushing Daisies” where the rest of the cast was doing all the work. She reminds me of her other part in Goal II: Living the Dream, which was another B movie, only with some incredible sport in it. Friel had some very annoying and absolutely not buy-able things to say there. Maybe it wasn’t her fault, she only attracted that sort of roles, in that sort of cheap movies.

I.T. – Stefanie Scott
A rising star is Stefanie Scott, “Kaitlyn Regan”, Brosnan and Friel characters’ 17 year old daughter. She was there to softly contradict the “father” in Regan, and to be turned on by the “bad guy”. I say she’s a rising star because her filmography is quite rich for her age of 20. She’s from Chicago, so she’s way closer to Hollywood than Frecheville, who has very few movies in his portfolio.
IT 2016 is not a good movie, far away from this notion, but I’ve seen worse. For example, I won’t recommend you to waste your time with Dirty Grandpa (with De Niro), or Gods of Egypt.
This one here, is a 5 (5.4 imdb rate) on my opinion, mostly because of Kay’s uninspired screenplay. Otherwise, you can slip over Anna Friel’s acting, she’s trying to compensate a little at the final, where she throws an obscenity à la Kenny from South Park and shows the viewers some flesh.
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