To start a blog you need to talk well. To start a blog you have to have imagination. To start a blog you need confidence.
All other things you think you need, may come after these three, because these three are the most important, no matter what you read elsewhere. From all these three, the last one is the more important. So, let’s talk about confidence. Why you need it? For me is obvious, don’t know if for you it works the same. Using a site called “blog” is like using a notepad, only it’s public. To show your rants to net-surfers (actually this is an antique denomination for your potential readers), you need courage, and this is leading of course, to the confidence you need to remove the completed note from the notepad and stick it on a panel, a tree or wherever you find a place of exposure. After that you need a little bit of luck, your note has to be read by a greater amount of people than your family.
At this stage, the aspect of the note counts more than you imagine. We’ll study together the beauty and how to make use of it, by producing a nice and readable blog. A lot of tools, paper and nails are for free, but with some value added by your imagination and specialist help, your blog will become a place people will visit again and again, with renown pleasure. Your blog has to express something, an opinion, usually your opinion. If I would have been in a bad mood, I would have said to leave blogging for good. World is dark enough, your nonsense wouldn’t help anyway, but I’m not. I’m on an optimistic wave and I’m sure there is still hope…
What you have to define in the process, is your audience and the purpose of your blog. I’ve recently read about it from people who are pretty new, like me, :), but their opinions are different of what I wanted from the beginning to define with this post. I read some blogs to see the pulse. I read other to improve myself. I sometimes read because I know the author personally, but mostly I read because I like to read and I’m curious. So I’ve discovered that I can express some feelings myself, without reproducing the flock or pack, 🙂 Here I’m referring to different types of bloggers, the “artists”, the “politicians”, the “analysts”, the “PRO’s”, etc… The great majority are part of the flock or part of the pack. The locals, are rarely oriented and the design is poor, even after pretending they have employed professional help for that, the guys who have anything to say don’t care much of the design, and so on.
[source of all pics is or other site like that]
By starting a blog, you start to climb. If this is helpful, you’ll see when you find the peak, 🙂
For really helpful info about WordPress hacks, visit my friend’s site here and here. You may follow her on Twitter as well, at @SEOcopy.
Genesis with a child theme from Studiopress is helpful, but only after you buy a domain from Namecheap and self hosting from Hostgator, or from GoDaddy. Because, if you remember how this article started, for blogging, you need courage. Blogging through a free hosting platform is like renting a place where you need the owner’s permission to modify the look to make it better and suitable for you. As for “making the buck” like the PRO’s claim to teach you, definitely you need to be the owner of your domain. Never look for cheap! Also, dearer is not necessarily better. Any of what I personally recommend is good. HostGator seems cheaper, but it’s actually a little bit more expensive than the other hosts, only it has I think, the best supporting service of them all. You don’t need to be a doctor in computer science to buy hosting and manage your site. By the way, WordPress is not necessarily meaning that your site is a blog, but having the possibility to create that successions of posts in a definite order, is certainly an advantage over a static site.
Enjoy the video and think that very little can make a lot!
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Copyright © 2011 Rodolfo Grimaldi Blog – Starting a Blog
Great suggestions. I’ll have to look into the various hosting sites you mentioned. 🙂