I just couldn’t resist to show you President’s Obama interview on “60 Minutes”, which is hilarious. Actually, this post is about Twitter. No, no, no, I have to re-formulate. This post is about Twitter, again. You see, I’m trying to get some networking done here, without the “Social Network”, and it’s growing and growing baby. Facebook is good for lazy people, man. You push some buttons and everything is automatic, who’s your friend, who wanna be your friend, who you shoudda be friend with, it’s too simple.
Leaders are social. The Queen has an account, USA President has one, Charlie Sheen has one and Gaga has one. Ah, I’m talking about Twitter, not Facebook, not myspace. President Clinton used to have a myspace account. Maybe some additional info is needed. Myspace used to be a social network very popular in America and almost everywhere, until it has been acquired by News Corp. After that, Facebook was internationally launched. Myspace stimulated you to learn HTML and to be creative. Facebook stimulates you to expose all your folders and to Farmville. Now you log in to myspace through Facebook. These explanations are for people who came on the internet after Facebook was all that is to find there. (Hard to believe, but for a great majority, internet is Facebook, youtube, games and porn. A lot of people have no idea what a blog is, and treat the internet with great reluctance, as something harmful or even vicious. Of course people who don’t read blogs, barely have any idea what google is and this subject will be treated in another post).
picture by Kevin Bauman (100abandonedhouses.com)
I’m sure I want to show you some more videos from now on, it’s a pity I found an issue with youtube. When you edit the post and changing from HTML view to “visual”, the embed code simply disappear, so you have to update from the HTML, to be sure you see the code there. I haven’t noticed any irregularity with videos from other sites. I haven’t uploaded myself any one to check how it looks, but this was just because I didn’t want to charge too much the site’s memory. Maybe it was just a flaw, maybe it isn’t happening currently, thing is, it happened with me every time.
Coming back to Twitter… This is another trendy wave, the second to none or maybe just to Facebook, sometimes, not in my case, as you know already, and if you don’t know, I repeat now that I don’t “facebook” and “farmville”. With little “helpers” like @HootSuite , @tweepi and @ffhelper , one can use even the “new” Twitter.
Twitter has still a lot of flaws. One of them is that it is misunderstood by 80% of users. Another one is that it hasn’t enough servers to avoid the failing connections (the whale, for sample), and here Facebook is to be admired. Their network “failed” one or two times in history, Facebook history, of course, , Twitter is failing every two hours or so, it is very susceptible to bugs and instead of simplify itself, tends to complicate, making for the non-specialists there to be much harder in comprehending what’s all about. Twitter is not really helping you at all, and this is more confusing, making it to be just “trendy” and nothing more.
On the other way, Twitter is more efficient in spreading some news, facts or info, than any other platform, this being the reason why it is used more by the unofficial advertisers, and bested Facebook to that. Twitter is stimulating your imagination and I’m pretty happy I figured it out. Of course I’m going to let you know everything as well, in my new book to come,
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