Every time I’m writing about Twitter and attitudes on Twitter, I’m a little upset, or compelled to write especially because something upset me. Things like: bloggers who beg to be followed on Twitter claiming they’re good at advising people, less than ordinary people on twitter who begun by making friends with everybody and after awhile, seeing that they reached a certain number of followers, proceed to massive unfollow almost everybody with a few exceptions of some celebs who never ever heard or cared about them as the former unfollowed friends, the guys who followed another “blogger” advice to not follow back because you’re too important for the follower, and it is good to have to consider a time to separate marketing from your personal life, and more…
[source: cagle.com]
I was upset observing a sort of carelessness in general, a posterior kissing technique which smells of falseness from a few miles, but proved to be somehow successful without genuine merit for the applier…
[source: cagle.com]
I sustain and claim that if you have good content, you just need to be careful to respond. It will be impossible for good content to pass unnoticed. It is not lack of modesty to promote yourself along with promoting others, mostly the kind of “others” who need this, not promoting someone who doesn’t need your promotion, doesn’t care and never will notice you. You’ll end to be just a successful posterior-licker without merit. You promote a guy like this hypothetical one mentioned, only if you’re personal friends with him, otherwise it’s obvious you and anybody else won’t profit at all from that, especially when the guy speaks nonsense considering himself a specialist. You made him specialist by promoting his nonsense, not being able to discern between value and crap (sorry to use such a strong word).
I am a great admirer of people who with or without a blog, have something to say, be it just on Twitter. I already mentioned here, maybe not once, that I work to a certain book, so, I’m researching continuously to be sure and find concrete examples of what I’m just sensing or feeling on a matter or other. I’m not saying that I’m not admiring great people without a blog or even a Twitter account, to express themselves, because here, I’m referring mostly to people I haven’t met in person, but I’m sure I can make friends with them if this would ever happen, and they with me, by the way.
[source: 4bp.blogspot.com]
I wanted to give some examples of good people to follow on Twitter or on Google Reader or on whatever feed reader you’re using. I am certain that if someone don’t know what I’m talking about, his place isn’t here at all, so I advise such a person to push the pictured buttons and leave. No, I’m not giving any example yet, because if I show the good (or, at least, what I consider good), I have to show some bad examples as well. If you are open minded, you’ll understand what I’m saying anyway and will recognize the good from shallow. Why am I not doing this yet, is because even without certain people’s traffic, it still be considered a posterior kissing. When I’ll reach a certain notoriety, I’ll point you the good ones and the others, as well.
[source: geekandpoke.typepad.com]
What I’ve noticed, and this one being one of the reasons I started to talk again about Twitter, is that some fake “celebrities” who think themselves so, follow just people like them, so it is super trendy in this range of tweeps, to follow two – three hundreds and be followed back by around two thousand or so. I’m not telling that the few thousand followers are autobots. I’m saying that this sort of people has nothing much to say on Twitter, and the followers don’t know either what is happening. I’m saying that even ten thousand followers isn’t that much of an influence and if you want to succeed on twitter is to start show some respect, first, last and in between. By not following back the people, not the bots, is lack of respect. Pretending to be followed and not following back means you don’t care about the one you want to follow you. And if you started on twitter by following everyone around and after a certain follower’s number reached, you suddenly stop following them, this is not making you a celebrity, is making you a dumb. When some recognized celebrities advise you to do exactly that by separating the “personal from the business”, and “by not even looking back”, it is not in your advantage, it is in their advantage. And this is one shallow advice you may receive from an artificial “celeb” even if “it” has readers. The secret is that this sort of guys follow each other between them and let themselves being followed by innocents who don’t spot the difference between shallow and solid, between crap and tasty. If I’m repeating myself, is in your own good.
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Copyright © 2011 Rodolfo Grimaldi Blog – The Difference
I don’t think it takes a person all that long to realize that many tweeters are just looking for followers when they begin to follow us. I find it annoying that they follow me and if I don’t follow back within a day or two they are done with me. I like to give a new follower the courtesy of going to their page and checking them out. If they are tweeting promotions or things that just don’t interest me, I will not follow back. I agree, if you have something interesting to say, people will follow.
It’s logical, 🙂 But as the numbers are going higher, this will become more and more time consuming. I find now simple to see if someone is of quality, so I follow back more freely, 🙂 Thanks for coming by, I think I have already visited your site, Catherine! 🙂
One time I tweeted that I needed a new laptop, and within a few minutes I got 4 messages all advertising laptops. You know that has to be a bot. So annoying.
Sometimes, yes. But there are people who are selling things or are just interested about themselves, and they search for a certain word or phrase and your tweet pops up! I have some really funny things happened in the past, 🙂
I wish I were clearer, but I spoke so that certain peopleare unrecognizable at first glance. Let’s take @ScottieMcBiggerBalls as a fictitious example. He follows in a frenzy, he unfollows the people ignoring him, also in a frenzy, nothing bad in that. He sometimes is followed by bots and autobots (I’m not talking of the TwitterAdder users, I call them “machines”). Even if he uses a machine, it’s obvious he’s not an autobot. The difference is that an autobot can reach 15,000 followers in record time, a normal person has to sustain a richer activity and interact to obtain that, or to use TwitterAdder, or to “buy” followers, or to use a “featuring” service, where his profile pops up and is followed by some. Even Twitter suggested me when I signed up in the summer of 2009, to follow Ashton Kutcher and Tony Robbins, the latter being the #1 account at the time. But now I’m talking of a person like me and you, with the difference that we have some real interesting subjects to tweet and we communicate with our followers, we aren’t “celebs” like Kutcher or Robbins, Gaga or B.Spears, and nor is @ScottieMcBiggerBalls, our example. But look, he reached 15,000 followers, and he follows 16,767 people. What to do? He’s sort of famous, isn’t he? 15,000 accounts are seeing his @Mashable RT’s or @problogger’s, or his #quotes from great personalities alive like the Kardashians (al three of them) or even better, Paris Hilton. Sometimes they #quote the omnipresent Einstein with the #genius hashtag. A service as MyLikes considers an account to be an “influencer” if it is followed by more than 5,000 people, he on his turn following maximum 2,000. Now look at “celeb” accounts, Oprah, or Kutcher or his wife. They follow really less than a hundred, or say, less than five hundred. So @ScottieMcBiggerBalls thinks that if he unfollows everyone except of the few celeb accounts as those of @LadyGaga and @Mashable, he’ll be like them, a Twitter influential, or celeb. You got my point, now? I prefer to follow Seth Godin (whom I don’t actually follow, since I read every word on his blog) who follows no one back, rather than Kutcher. I follow @GuyKawasaki and @Alltop , I follow @jaltucher for sheer pleasure, some of them follow me as well. This doesn’t make me a celeb now, and I really don’t care if I’m an “influencer” or not, because I follow back most people I respect. If one follows any Kardashian because they LIKE her, or Cashmore because he’s cute/”useful”, it’s ok. It’s their opinion, not mine, and I respect it. You and everybody else, can read mine and respect it or not, it’s as simple as that, :). Nobody says I’m right. A posterior kisser is the one RT-ing @problogger who RT’s @shannonalbert’s nonsensical article about the benefits of using the new Twitter interface instead of an app (like TwittDeck or HootSuite), without sensing the nonsense, and making this from TwittDeck, both the kisser and Rowse as well, but Rowse and Albert are in the same clique, so it doesn’t matter, and with this I’m ending the tirade, :).
Omg. You have a lot to say about this, don’t you? And yes, @ScottyMcBiggerBalls sounds preposterous, I’d never follow him. 😀 But I get what you’re saying. By the way… Ashton Kutcher has a twitter account? Omg, I LOVE him. Yeah, I’m definitely following because I have a crush on him. I don’t care if he ignores me. In fact, the day he answers my tweets will be the day when cows start flying and milk starts raining. Ok then, I’ll leave you to rant in peace. Always a pleasure. 🙂
You and I both. I never understood these people. Promoting stuff you don’t like, following people who don’t interest you, metweeting, sucking-up, and not answering people ‘below your level’. That’s just ridiculous. Funny thing is… sometimes it looks like people are doing that but they’re not. Whatever. I like the people I like and hope they succeed and that I’ve helped a little at least. Last week I actually unfollowed someone because she NEVER, not even once answered my tweets and she wasn’t a celebrity or anything. Annoyed me. So on those points agreed, but COME ON, man! 😀 Not everything good and positive is posterior kissing and why do you care what it’s considered? If you follow my twitter stream you’d think: now there’s a major kiss-ass. Bollocks. I just LIKE people is all, lol. So not everything that seems posterior kissing is and many people are smart enough to see the difference. I’ve no intention to be mean or anything, in fact I’m cringing inside, but you and I are on the honest page, yes? So there’s my two pence. 😉