I long to write about what I read, or writing related. There is already an old post in this relatively new sub-category. I have to apologize because I can’t share with you everything I know or I read in my life. I’m not sure I’m going to find the time to include even the most significant things I have read. These posts will be short and sometimes with less pics.
After the new introduction, I have to justify myself on the subject. The title is of Dan Brown’s acclaimed book. A catchy one, I have to recognize and on the same time cheap and predictably boring as anyone who read his books may already know. Of course, this is only my own supposition. Being in a train last summer, I read a book by a certain Sam Bourne, which is a pseudonym acquired by a British journalist, Jonathan Freedland, called the biggest challenger to Dan Brown’s crown. I beg to differ.
Dan Brown is on a fame wave because of his lately chosen controlled “controversial” subjects for his novels, and I refer here to Angel and Demons which began to be largely known especially after the long praised and advertised The DaVinci Code, a book famous before Tom Hanks’ impersonation of Robert Langdon, the symbologist academic. The Lost Symbol came after the former two mentioned books like a sure hit, but it’s not the case. It sold good, it’s normal to excite one’s intellect since it’s a third in an acclaimed series, but for people who want more than the scratch of the surface, it’s very disappointing. His “challenger”, Freedland, is blunt in expression and less catchy. I’ve read in those few hours of travel, The Last Testament, a book with a potent ground, but a lack of expression and cheap effects. Sorry for him; Brown is way better. The DaVinci Code is the best novel he ever wrote, and it’s the more fluent.
So, according to Dan Brown, the Illuminati were some lunatics who wanted to dismiss Christianity or the Pope’s Institution, Jesus Christ had descendants and the Freemason Lodges are the most altruistic and fair organizations ever created, even so sworn to secrecy as we know them. Langdon’s mentor was a Worshipful Grand Master of the Highest Order, named after the legendary King Solomon. He seemed to explain in his agnosticism how and why a Master of a certain degree ascend to the final degree, the 33’rd. For him, a video containing fragments of initiation would have been more nocive for the anti-conspirationists and the rest of the people beliefs in the Establishment (over 95% Masonic), that what the Masons actually do. And what the Masons exactly do, you may ask? They do charities around the country and keep secrets, otherwise they’re the most trustworthiest guys one ever met in his life, because they’re sworn to say the truth and only the truth. They’re privileged with mystic secrets and with knowledge about real facts. When they say they can’t tell you, a profane, what are you asking them, they say the truth. They really can’t tell you. It seems they can’t be put under oath but in front of a fellow “brother”-judge, fellow brother-prosecutors and evidently their own brother-lawyers to handle their side.
The ignorant think they want to secretly control everything and become richer and more dominating (preventing the rest, the great rest, the populace, to fight between them for nothing, only for the crumbs generously offered by their controlled organisms) since Masons think and act only to the benefit of the human kind. The United States of America were made Masonic by the Masons, the Founding Fathers, to become a world leader country which will transform the planet according to The Great Architect of the Universe’s Will. God, the Divinity, Allah, is neutrally named “The Great Architect” because He is an Architect as far as He created the World with the Word and He is unique. We are many and we are He. For being a Mason, one has to believe in God. Only Masons know that God is the same in spite of His sometimes vengeful Prophets. Brown reminded his readers that Masons are equal in Brotherhood no matter the religion as long as they have one. He never mentioned La Vey’s “religion”, but he mentioned Crowley as a Master of “The Art”. Don’t worry, prepare for a great lecture and a greater disappointment. The Lost Symbol is handy. We pass it every day and forget to look at it. Dan Brown is very good at what he’s doing. Just don’t expect from him to unveil you what Freemasons killed and died for keeping it secret!
The trailer of a future movie, at least at the moment of writing this article. Anyway, except some cheap trivia and some not so cheap symbology borrowed (as Brown himself agreed), from Manly P. Hall’s books, by making the effort of reading The Lost Symbol, you’ll find the origin of the word sincere, and the importance of number 33.
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Copyright © 2013 Rodolfo Grimaldi Blog – The Lost Symbol, by Dan Brown
[…] străine, dar un mare demagog. Am mai vorbit despre el, despre Roman, mai demult, precum şi despre Dan Brown, când am scris de romanul anterioar lui “Inferno”, apărut în 2013. Observaţi că nu […]