I have over eight unfinished post projects at the moment (just here, not counting the other sites I own), my Alexa Rank is on a free downfall with figures, in Romania the corrupted Prime Minister resigned and along with him the whole executive resigned as well, and I am talking now about geeking Twitter. I have considered Google Plus very disappointing when they have repeatedly showed the grossest disrespect for its users, and that, coming from my favorite Social Media venue, was the reason why it went down to the last in my preferences.
What is the use of having tens of thousands of followers if their reaction is almost null when you publish something? It’s a sign that something, somewhere, is deeply wrong with that following. The same it happens with other dear persons, they work hard for their posts, and because they aren’t Google Plus stars, their posts went almost anonymous. Trash, copied (“stolen” is a better word) content, the dumbest things, are more appreciated than the original work, as a post about something you researched for, and compiled information with your own expertise in order to spread it to your tens of thousands of followers! I wonder, is this right?

Don’t block me!
No, when you are too original, they think you give yourself airs, you despise others, you are not a sheep, and you are avoided. When you post a personal photo, signed of course, and if you don’t voluminously and loudly praise the self appointed masters of photography, they are ignoring you (even when they deeply envy you) and the sheep is doing the same. Are you curious to know what made me write this post which is more an essay than a mere info, and it is included in this Social Media category just because the title contains the word “Twitter”?

screenshot of didyoublock.me
Exactly! After all the unfairness in the Social Media world, Twitter doesn’t allow that tool to work, because twitter considers that knowing who has blocked your account, is “private”. I haven’t been aware of that, actually I haven’t been aware of someone ever blocking me on Twitter, until right now, yes. I have been using Tweepi, in a way nobody will ever teach you for free, and I have noticed that @RodolfoGrimaldi has been blocked by someone who was fighting against cyber stalking. I have considered this amazing, because I am not a stalker, on the contrary, actually I’m against cyber stalking myself. Checking with “didyoublockme”, I have discovered what you have above, in the screenshot.
What is “blocking”, after all?
“Block” is a function that helps you control how you interact with other users on Twitter. When you block another account on Twitter, that account will not be able to follow you or view your Tweets when logged in. Blocked users do not receive any notifications alerting them that their account has been blocked. However, if a blocked user visits the profile of a user who has blocked them, they will notice they have been blocked (unlike mute, which is invisible to muted users).
– cf. Twitter
Anyway, there are other two tools that came in my mind, and they were shot down by their owners, maybe you remember them (extraordinarily useful): TwitCleaner (who shot itself down in the same year didyoublockme did, 2013), and followfriday.com. Fortunately, for the first one you can read the post containing Si Dawson’s reasons. As for the second, after years of collapse, followfriday seems to have been acquired by SocialBro, so they are now a part of something bigger and not free anymore. Maybe it was a good move, I don’t know. Being such a big bunch of Google Plus users who doesn’t get Twitter at all, it’s not at all incredible from their part to considered themselves annoyed by being mentioned in “followfriday” or “writerswednesday” hashtag, actually the famous #ff and #ww
As for the blocking feature, there is a tool which shows you who you blocked, and if you have changed your mind, you can manage those accounts’ statuses. It’s called blockedby.me and it seems to have a very vintage interface.
Anyway, that’s all for now. Tell me what you think, if you’ll see the post somewhere, in your feed, on your Social Media streams (I haven’t managed to put together a nice newsletter system, which is, I suppose, another reason of my Alexa going down, for sure), and I’ll prefer a comment here, instead of my almost mute G+. I used to have here and elsewhere (on all my blogs, of course) implemented the additional Comments Evolved for WordPress plugin, something offering you the possibility to comment with your G+, Facebook, or Disqus account, which gave you the opportunity to stay there, on that particular social media site, and comment even if you didn’t know nothing about what I have written, and still, on the proper post, it would show that I have “comments”. I’m not interested of such a thing, please excuse me.
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