Tsu disappeared as a Social Media site, it went “dark”! It’s incredible how this swindler got over so many nice people’s good will and kept it online for so long! Somehow, Sobczak gave me a very odd feeling from the beginning, but I thought I was subjective. It was his face, I didn’t like the mimics, so, I have concentrated on the Tsu itself and left him as a person, away. A bum, a Tsu user, licked his way up to him and had his account becoming “verified”, like on Twitter or Google Plus. He was also one of the first people who got payed. He never stopped praising Sobczak. I don’t know what he’s doing now…

Praising Tsu and Sobczak
[source: pinterest.com]
Tsu Disappeared in the Dark!
Maybe that was meant from the beginning. A big brew-ha-ha about paying users, with donations to charities by the same users paid from the 90% of Tsu’s revenues, just to raise some funds and then, “stop engines!” It smelled like that, anyway. But… a lot of my Google Plus closest friends joined, and I joined as well. Besides, it was quite a nice community. Plus Sobczak and a few very aloof developers. Plus the bum.

Very credible, don’t you think?
[source: pinterest.com]
One lie was with the 90% of the revenue to be shared with the users, based on their activity: likes, comments and re-shares. The pyramidal “network” actually produced from a little commission one made from “children” – the people joining with one’s invitation link. It was like a game, but believe me, the real communication was scarce, because the notification system has (at least at the beginning) been limited. Same with the stream, one could see only a limited number of posts on the mainstream. Every refresh was what one got at the moment he did it.
50% would have been much, but let’s say that this was enough as the incentive to attract users to have activity there. He wanted to be sure of the duck, so he said the magical “90%”.

The biggest lie of all, from the beginning.
That above, was never true. I’m saying this from experience. Even so, I estimate that only if you had a network of over 100k (followers, “children”, “grandchildren” with a lot of their “children” and friends), maybe you would theoretically reach $1k after one year of being there pretty much of your time, and being serious about posting. I said theoretically because you as an user, had no ways to measure your revenue, everything was in the admins’ hands. The dough was also discretionary paid.
The before last Tweet

Sobczak in vacation in New Zealand
[source: Twitter.com]
#FBF on Saturday … that's my thing now. Here's #Queenstown #AzurLodge #NewZealand … https://t.co/SETnfRiOXu pic.twitter.com/vOlKFniQYc
— seabasschen (@sebastianarthur) March 27, 2016
A few days ago
I’ve accessed Tsu and I found this:
Good day nation of tsu, it’s Sebastian.
You are probably wondering about the new layout but in fact we have taken tsu dark.
Although we have still have numerous active communities on the site, our mission of changing the social landscape for the benefit of the content creator has passed. I started this concept eight years ago and when we launched in late 2014 we brought the conversation of content ownership and monetization to the content rights holders into the mainstream. All told there were approximately 5.2 million of us who have used our platform. Through you, tsu’s emergence into the mainstream spurred discussions on virtually every major media outlet touching on the tsu concept, royalties of music streaming services and to the business models of established platforms. I wish we could have done more for the content creators and the wonderful charities that lent their names to our platform. In all, we built water wells, gifted wishes and gave back en masse.
Although I would have hoped we could have done more, I am proud of our team and the wonderful, diverse community of friends we have cultivated along the way. I am proud to have been a part of something that millions of people helped create from North America to the Asian subcontinent.
Thank you for being a part of our platform of change and believing in what we were attempting. In terms of those who have monetized their content, we intend to abide by what we set out to do and if you have created amounts large enough for redemption, we will remit payments to you in short order. If you have participated in and won any company-sponsored contests, you will be compensated as well. In the next few days we will be adding a button to the site so users can download their own content which will be available until August 31st. Should you have any questions, please write to [email protected].
Lastly, in order to keep up on what we are doing next, please feel free to connect with me through various social media platforms:
Snapchat: @tsullc “sebastian”
Twitter: @sebastianarthur “SeabassChen”
Instagram: @seabasschen
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/seabasschenThank you,
Founder & CEO, tsu
The funny thing is that he could at least give a notice saying that he couldn’t “share” the revenues with the users anymore, and if they are willing to continue to use the platform even after that, he and his team will try to maintain the server costs with the advertising, blah blah blah. He made or he paid a lot of “friends” at big shots like ZDNet.com, Forbes.com or BusinessInsider.com. to interview him about the marvelous concept of Tsu, or about rumors of Tsu taking out Facebook, and about the big wave (or at least big enough to be mentioned by the above mentioned online publications) made by the Facebook interdiction of any mention of Tsu in one’s wall, (allegedly over 10 millions hidden/banned/canceled posts) and their complete restoration “because they were afraid of the new Social Media phenomenon represented by Tsu”… Of course, we have to keep in mind “the charities”, who received users’ donations… (Watch the movie Philantropy about the “charities”, if you don’t mind. It is a version of reality.)
Searching for News on Tsu I found what’s below, which seems grossly outdated:

Tsu news
[source: screenshot crop Aug/7/2016]
I have read a lot of complaining from serious people when they reached the money redemption limit, and that was far from being something in Tsu admins’ favor. I have also read some misconceptions about Tsu, some whining about various folks “making serious money with other people’s content” and that being subject of lawsuits, no matter if the shared content was credited to the original creator (or that action was somehow free advertising for that content creator – my own note!) Anyway, the one and only fellow I know, who authored this on a Google Plus post, mentioned a very influential gal who was not at all impressed by the supermighty concept of Tsu from the start. She wrote on her blog about her opinion, which was fine, because was her own, and I respected it. I considered her opinion was a little bit too harsh at the time and I have not totally approved it. I was wrong, because she was right all the time. She added that guy’s G+ link in her post as a courtesy. Shortly after that, he unfollowed me on G+. He wasn’t a bad fellow at all, we shared some common opinions about Google and G+ especially, it was his perception of me and my behavior.
As you noticed, no excuses, no explanations from the CEO. What “active communities on the site” when the site is gone?
He never had in mind to maintain this community. He just planned that scam since 2008, as he said in a paid interview. Not about the scam, but the concept.
A scam is a scam, a Shim Sham is a tap dance Sebastian Sobczak played with almost all Tsu users for two whole years. Tsu disappeared and I can’t say RIP because I started to ignore the platform in January 2016.
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I actually did have an account on Tsu. And I posted my own content a couple times. I found out from a couple of people, that their content was misused. I won’t tell you who, but I am in touch with them over G+ and FB so I know this for a fact. I was not BS-itting as you mentioned.
Amanda Blain and I discussed on a G+ post how we expect Tsu to grow and earn revenue until investors were paid back and the founders made a decent buck and then they would shut it down. And that is exactly what seems to have happened.
If you are wondering why I unfollowed you on G+ and Twitter, it is because you never engaged with me, just pushed your own content. That’s not how “social” media is supposed to work.
It’s ok, then, I’ll correct my mistake. You don’t have to tell me who, I think I know one of them, because I read your quoted post.
I have engaged with everyone I follow. After the “changes” in G+, my actual presence there went to minimum. Anyway, you used to be in a circle of people I was interested in, and being notified when posted. I have been disappointed when I have discovered that you were more and more distant until you unfollowed.
As for posting my blog posts on G+, I don’t see anything wrong in that. You unfollowed me on Twitter? I haven’t noticed, my former friend 🙂