One of the best news I have recently seen is that finally, after all the years of interdiction from their launching till now, Google Plus allowed full access to personal profiles via the API. You know how good this is? It’s gold! I know the purists will say that it’s “unnatural”, and if you want to share on G+, do it “live”! But what if you’re not interested in your timeline and your target is a different one? Should you stay awake all night long to let your overseas friends to know what you have to say? It’s counterproductive to do this.
The Tool to Use when Google Plus Allowed Full Access
To acquire a better reach of your audience, you need to schedule your posts or tweets in Social Media, be it Google Plus, Twitter or Facebook. I’m not talking about LinkedIn (a network I started to love more and more, lately) now, because as far as I know, they never restricted access to their API. The best scheduling tool is, and I have a feeling that it will stay so, HootSuite, from far and away. You know what lowered the HootSuite management bunch just a little bit? They decreased the number of social media profiles one can use with a free account from five to three. Otherwise, with about $10/Month on an annual subscription you can manage up to 50!

HootSuite – The Tool to Use
At the time I’m writing this, Buffer, another lovable tool didn’t yet modify its code, so one can schedule only with HootSuite without keeping a Chrome or an Opera browser open all the time. You can schedule posts on your personal Google Plus profile if you keep your computer with one of those browsers open 24 hours per day, with DoShare and Friends+Me. This last one lets you schedule for free only three updates (posts) in 24 hours, otherwise you have to subscribe with ~ $10/Month (I don’t remember if you get this subscribing annually or just monthly) for “unlimited” posts, but you have to have your browser open at the scheduled time. That was the thing that kept me to go further with them or even with DoShare, which is free.

Google Plus post
I don’t like Chrome, period. I used Opera which is much lighter. They have an extension allowing you to use Chrome extensions on Opera and I used it just for Circloscope and CircleCount, the perfect tools to master Google Plus how ever you need.
News from Twitter, Good as Well!
Before ending this short article, I also have a good deed from Twitter. You know the 140 characters limit, don’t you? If you don’t it’s sad, meaning that what I say know is not going to make you happier. Anyway, to continue… The process to attach a picture or a GIF to your twit to make it more interesting, or even clickable, used to take out from your characters’ limit, because the picture or the GIF were present in your twit as links with up to twelve characters.
Now, look at that:
How many characters do photos and GIFs use?
None, photo and GIF attachments do not count towards the 140 character limit in a Tweet (in iOS, Android,, and mobile web clients-only).
—– Twitter’s Help Center
Nice, isn’t it? Yes indeed, you have more space to brag 🙂
[I remembered what a lot of people said a few years ago about 140 characters never being enough for them to express themselves… and with the pictures attached the space was even less…]
I thought I won’t write about Google Plus here anymore, feeling justified by various reasons of which the main one is the disrespect shown to its users. However, because Google Plus allowed full access to the personal profiles API doesn’t compensate the soon to be definitive last UI version, which eliminates the “social” component in the former Social Network.
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