The Accountant is a thriller directed by Gavin O’Connor, which premiered in October 2016, being worldwide released the same month. It was written by Bill Dubuque. O’Connor is the director of Warrior, a movie of whom people still discuss right now. Ben Affleck is again at his highest, like he was in the Oscar winner Argo, which he also directed and produced. I really liked the movie, even if they say it wasn’t accurate, and added this or that regarding the Canadians’ involvement.
The Accountant – Cast
Ben Affleck is Chris Wolf, the accountant. Anna Kendrick is Dana Cummings, a junior accountant, very smart and really sweet in her role. J. K. Simmons is Ray King, a senior Treasury agent. Jon Bernthal is Braxx, a security advisor who is also a “cleaning” contractor. Jeffrey Tambor who barely appears, is Francis Silverberg, obviously a specialist in money. John Lithgow is Lamar Blackburn and he has a robotics company specialized in prosthetic devices. Cynthia Addai-Robinson has an interesting character named Marybeth Medina, which is a smart Treasury agent with a darkie past. Jean Smart is Rita Blackburn, Lamar’s bitchy sister.
I don’t usually want to spoil the action, but you will see in the trailer that the accountant Chris Wolf isn’t your ordinary accountant, he is something more. The movie starts with a crime scene where several people died shot in a building, without us being showed who did the killings. No explanations either, until much later in the movie.
US Treasury and FBI joint together to uncover a mysterious guy who keeps the books for some dangerous gangsters in the United States and abroad as well. Thank God it’s not for terrorists this time, it’s only for drug dealers and arms dealers, go figure. We know that Affleck is an accountant and he’s shown giving very good advice to a pair of aged people who are so grateful that they let Wolf at their property, to hobby shoot in melons from a great distance with a sniper rifle. Now we know that the accountant is special. He is shooting accurately from 3,000 yards (2.74 kilometers).
He is giving a job to a robotics company, where a junior accountant played by Kendrick found some irregularities in the books. Chris Wolf is interrogated somehow first by Rita, Lamar Blackburn’s sister, Lamar being the company’s founder and owner, and reluctantly given the job. Chris met Dana Cummings, the smart junior who found the flaws, and from his behavior we deduce that he’s actually autistic (unless you read beforehand a review which states in its first line that the movie is about an autistic accountant).
Helped by other scenes with him being a kid, where he finished a huge picture puzzle in a relatively short time. He has a brother, the father worked in the military, and the mother went away during their childhood. Father wouldn’t initially agree to leave the little autistic boy at the clinic, instead he trained both brothers with several special combat martial art instructors. From now on it is simple to predict everything, or almost everything. This accountant becomes a high functional autistic (way better than the one played by Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man), trained to take good care of himself besides being extremely systematic.
Before unknotting gangsters’ financial books (or laundering money, whatever) he is also shown in some sort of prison, again, without explanation. Those will come in time.
You have here two trailers one after the other. They’re both the official trailers launched for the United States market.
It has a 7.5 imdb rate, a little bit lower than Warrior, which is in imdb’s Top 250, but I’m sure that’s only a rebound from Batman v. Superman, a movie I’d like to review here soon, as I feel that I have to review Allegiant.
I haven’t noticed many flaws, even if it becomes predictable at a moment, it was very good acted by everyone. I hope you’ll enjoy watching it. I think it’s one of the most entertaining movies in 2016, no matter what other says in their mixed reviews. I tried to keep the plot blurred, for the spoilers. The Account trailer is a little bit revealing, but it’s only because of marketing.
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