To own your blog is an imperative. I still wonder how’s possible to convince the uninformed people that in order to credibly succeed in being representative online, one needs a website or a blog, on a brand domain, on a paid host. If you tell someone who uses Blogspot (the Google acquired blogging platform) that it is lame and it has a horrible design mostly because of its own limitations, you become instantly his enemy for life. The reason is of course psychologically explained. By showing a user that the product he uses is awful/limited/ugly, you subconsciously deny the user’s intellectual capacity. How dare you to tell him that he has chosen a wrong platform to represent himself on the internet? It is FREE and one can use adsense, a money factory, and not only that, one can also become an Amazon Associate by showing Amazon products on the sidebar or at the end of posts.

Own Your Blog – a poster I made with Canva
If the visitor clicks on a product, he is directed to the product’s page on Amazon. If the visitor buys that product, some percent of it is deducted and accumulated in the blog’s owner Amazon account. More than that, the visitor has the clicking cookie with him for a whole 24 hours period, so, if he doesn’t buy that certain product, but searches for another one, a book, a photo camera or a tune, and he buys that, the commission is still perceived.
Google owned Blogspot/Blogger Is Damaging – Own Your Blog
I’m going to explain now, why Blogspot aka Blogger is damaging. Not only it is crude and an affront to aesthetic sense, not offering the minimal support to alter this, the main point is that you, the account owner, the post’s “author”, YOU don’t own your content. Blogspot/Blogger (Google actually) is the owner. Opening that account, you sign a form where you agree with that.
If some autobot from Google is triggered by some non trending keywords subjectively considered “wrong” because they don’t serve an immediate interest, it can terminate your account, so you lose all your content and your possibly hard work. It won’t motivate, and you have no platform to complain. If you complain on an official Google forum, no Google employee will ever contact you. If you’re lucky, some agreed contributor will tell you that YOU have to be wrong with something, otherwise the machine (which is never wrong), wouldn’t terminate your account. You can lose your content for reasons more trivial than that, like the following one: if someone copies your content and publishes it somewhere else, and it is crawled before yours, which is on blogspot, your content can be considered “duplicate content”, thus a certifiable reason for account termination.
You may find this hard to believe because as most uninformed people, you may wrongly supporting this false belief: considering that Google rules the internet, since your content is published on a Google property, it is automatically submitted to the giant search engine. Nothing more wrong.
You Still Have Time
Believe me that if you have your own website (or blog, whatever), hosted on a paid host, not on, for example, not Google, nor Microsoft nor whoever has some regulating meaning of the internet can do a thing. You have to own your blog! On the contrary, if someone steals your content, he can do away with it, and in less than a year, depending on its SEO, he’ll become an “expert”, an “influencer”, an internet celebrity with more authority than you, the real specialist and content creator have ever had.
Let’s hope that no one steals from you, and no one ever hacks your property. These are two different things which unfortunately happen more often than we like. On that, in a future post…
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