Easy Money is a Swedish, German and Danish co-production from 2010, with a lot of soul. I have watched it with less surprise, knowing that in the Scandinavian Peninsula they prize the small budget and they use the money improving the act and everything just to make it real. It is violent, but mesmerizing, and very professionally acted by everyone. It has been extended to two more sequels, so it became a sort of a trilogy, like The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, only that trilogy was made after three consecutive novels.

Joel Kinnaman in Snabba Cash
[source of all pics: imdb.com]
Easy Money Plot
You can say that Easy Money is an action thriller about friendship and ambition. All the important characters are driven by the ambition to making money and live very well. JW is a talented student in finances but with “a less fortunate choice in relatives”, as I heard an arrogant British aristocrat say once, in another movie. He prepares papers for his rich fellows, he drives a taxi and enjoys the unhealthy habits of the upper class. He lied about his origins and his poor family somewhere north. He says at a moment that he used to have a sister who disappeared a few years ago.

Matias Varela in Easy Money
Abdulkarim is an Arab small time boss with a taxi business who apparently tolerates JW as an employee, and gradually pushes him to dangerous and illegal jobs. JW, who needs money more than he normally shows, accepts them, and charges the price.
In the meantime, he goes out with his rich colleagues and starts flirting with Sophie, a sophisticated girl involved with one of his mates in that gang. Not for long, because she seems attracted by JW’s boldness. He pulled out some stunts to impress his entourage.

Dragomir Mrsic in Snabba Cash
Jorge is a Chilean with connections in the drug smuggling business who escapes from prison and, before everything else, wants to close the accounts with his former rival, Radovan, the Serbian mob boss. Mrado is one of Radovan’s thugs charged to kill Jorge. Abdulkarim feels that it’s in his advantage to have a guy like Jorge in his Arab gang, and sends JW to intercept him. You have to watch the movie, even the other two if you can, to understand the whole story. I don’t want to spoil it, but you all will like Jorge, a survivor by definition. JW is extremely intelligent and talented, but he is too “oily”, too slippery for my taste. Mrado has an eight year old girl in his custody because her mother is an uncontrolled junky, and it looks it’s from bad to worse for the little one. Mrado is an assassin who has to take his girl with him all the time. A connection will appear between JW, Jorge and Mrado. This is the “friendship” stuff I was talking about.
Cast & Crew
Joel Kinnaman is Johan Westlund called “JW”. He is famous somehow in the United States, he stars in a show called “The Killing”, he is the last Robocop, and recently I also noticed him in a romantic comedy. Matias Varela is Jorge Salinas Barrio, a South American gangster who escaped from the Swedish incarceration system.

Easy Money – Poster
Dragomir Mrsic is Mrado, a Serbian tough guy who works for the Serbian crime lord, Radovan. Lisa Henni is Sophie, an upper class chick. Mahmut Suvakci is Abdulkarim, an Arab with ambitions. Jones Danko is Fahdi, a guy who apparently works for Abdulkarim, but nobody will figure what is going on with him after all, not even in the third movie. Dejan Cukic is Radovan, the Serbian don above mentioned. I can say that this Radovan proved himself extremely uninspired through the whole three movies, in the mean time being stupid and gratuitously cruel, a guy who deeply lacks the qualities of a great crime lord.
Directed by Daniel Espinosa and written by Maria Karlsson, helped by Fredrik Wikström and Hassan Loo Sattarvandi. Based on a novel written by Jens Lapidus .
Easy Money Trailer
Easy Money is a movie to watch. It’s less tricky than other crime flicks but in its straight away manner, is keeping you awake. I don’t understand Martin Scorsese’s involvement yet, if it exists.
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