The most praised of them all, the highest-rated, the dearest (how else), Avengers Endgame is also the last one, I hope. This 8.6 (still) IMDb rated nonsense is now on #35 in Top 250 list on the Amazon-owned website, but a month ago it even reached #24. One may not consider this classification reliable, it is almost as unreliable as the Oscars, but it expresses the public taste in entertainment at the moment. It is too long despite some remarkable acting, accidental (I feel), from some of the cast members. About these pieces, later on this article.

Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans
[source of all pics:]
Avengers Endgame – Plot
I had to rewatch Infinity War to try to make some sense in what is going on on-screen. I don’t want to spoil that movie either. But this is unavoidable. The essential elements of both these Avengers sequels are the six Infinity Gems or stones, as they are named in the movies. They are the Mind, Power, Reality, Soul, Space, and Time stones. The one who possesses all of them is the master of the Universe. Thanos, a space villain aspiring to this title, knows that who has all these gems can do anything. So this minor god (I logically supposed that he is inspired by the Greek Thanatos, the Death, the Grim Reaper, whatever) thinks to a better Universe, with no conflicts. His idea of achieving this state is by unbiasedly destroying half of its inhabitants. Disintegrating half, the other half will thrive. This sort of thinking sounds familiar, only here, you are being distracted with the whole Universe notion, of whom you can’t comprehend, otherwise, you would study Physics not wasting three hours watching this nonsense. Some self-proclaimed mysterious Elite entity wants to eliminate half or more of the Earth’s population for survival. Ethiopians, Afghans, Indians, Persians, and others are considered worthless, so there is an imperative goal for a World Government to eliminate them to keep alive the Americans, the British and the Swiss, or at least the status quo. No unbiased destruction involved.

Avengers Endgame Collective: Captain America, Black Widow, Captain Marvel, Thor and nobody. The monkey is Bradley Cooper
Anyway, we are now in Avengers Endgame at a moment when half of the Universe is destroyed, and only a bunch of Avengers remained alive. The unmatched Iron Man is trapped at several light-years from the mourning Earth, in a spaceship together with Nebula, Thanos’ renegade daughter. They have less than 48 hours of power left. In the meantime, Black Widow assumed the role of managing the Universe’s bleeding, so she coordinates the remaining Avengers in saving populations here and there. A newly created Avenger (at least in the cinematic universe, not on paper, in the comics she was created in the sixties), a woman, Captain Marvel, is the most powerful of them all. She can move in space, or through space, in no time, not needing a spaceship. She can carry a spaceship with her bare hands. She appears near Tony Stark’s module shortly before his last breath and takes it to Earth.

James Brolin as Thanos
Five years passed. Everybody forgot Ant-Man in the Quantum realm. Accidentally, a rat awakes him in this half-world. He is almost smitten by the changes, but he’s got an idea. Using his experience in the Quantum realm, he thinks that the time can be reversed and things can be reversed to the state before Thanos seizes the stones. So, now, the adventures start, so unbelievable that they surpass the Science Fiction genre, they are not SF, they became a mixture of fantasy with young adult. Avengers Endgame is too violent for kids.
Praised performances are Chris Evans’ and RDJ’s, but my favorite character here is the identifiable Northern God, Thor. Chris Hemsworth is really funny. I knew it because I watched him hosting SNL a couple of years back. An excellent approach to his God/Avenger persona. The very unfunny Thessa Thompson made an unremarkable apparition here, along with other characters nobody remembers. She was for Avengers what Michelle Rodriguez was for Fast and Furious: a bland, totally unsavory, and useless occurrence.
Robert Downey Jr. is Tony Stark / Iron Man. Chris Evans is Steve Rogers / Captain America. Mark Ruffalo is Bruce Banner / Hulk. Chris Hemsworth is Thor, of course. Scarlett Johansson plays Natasha Romanoff / Black Widow. Jeremy Renner is Clint Barton / Hawkeye. Don Cheadle acts again as James Rhodes / War Machine. I don’t remember his story up to “War Machine”, except that he replaced Terence Howard after the first Iron Man, with a considerably smaller salary.

Avengers Endgame Scene. The Gulliver behind Shrek is Ant-Man
Paul Rudd is Scott Lang / Ant-Man. Brie Larson is Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel, the most powerful Avenger of the team, it seems. Karen Gillan is Nebula, a former foe teamed now with the Avengers (“If my enemy is your enemy, we’re friends”). Last in my credits here is Josh Brolin as Thanos, the most important villain in the Galaxy. He said that when he destroys a planet “it’s all business”, but for the Earth, he will take a special interest in disintegrating it.
In fact, in this episode appear all the characters ever depicted in the Marvel Universe, but except the ones in the above list, they only appear. Saying more will count as a spoiler.
A Honest Trailer with Major Spoilers
Yes, there are some spoilers in the trailer below. Who cares? Better have a good laugh!
Instead of Conclusion
It seems that the average American needs this constant pampering about how protected he is because there can’t be an America without Captain America. Terrorist attacks or local nuts shooting freely in schools or public squares, future alien invasions, are all events which demand someone like Captain America. They demand also some other things, more dangerous or awesome, but this is another story.
The truth is that this illogical movie made a lot of money. With maybe the greatest budget ever ($382m) it returned in a very short time over $2.5b. So please, leave out Faulkner, Steinbeck or Mark Twain, leave out Orson Wells, Charles Chaplin or John Huston, they are for sissies. Read comics, read 50 Shades of Grey, become a Star Wars evangelist, go to any sequel of Marvel or DC Comics and continue to be happy before being evicted.
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