Yes, dear friends, you read it right. I had to create this new sub-category about movie spoilers here because I found it necessary. Of course, the catch is that I want to offer some explanations about why a certain movie derailed, or how. So, that can generate a great chance to spoil some future action in the discussed movie. It is called Spoiler Alert. Don’t worry, you may like it.
When the movie is dumb and I have watched it, I’ll say what I found dumb and why. Maybe it’ll help you to avoid wasting your time by watching it as well. A good movie is only recommended as a good movie and that’s all. The year 2020 was a bad year for cinema, maybe the worst. The spirit of cinema was crushed by the imposed lockdown, and ambitious companies like Netflix or Amazon shared the crappy awards between them, awards for mediocre movies made for a mediocre public who watched them home at their smart TVs or even worse, at their cheap computers.

Richard Gere and Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman (1990) – major movie spoilers in logline
[source for both pics:]
Sometimes Amazon’s IMDB spoils your watching pleasure, by inadvertently publishing an overwhelmed casting version, especially when a double role, for sample, is a culminating surprise. Also not once, the one-line synopsis divulges the climax to be, mainly when the movie is not a Hollywood production. I hate when that happens. I don’t like knowing in advance how a movie will end. Sometimes I don’t remember an ending, mostly on purpose, but it isn’t often. Usually one remembers a movie for years. I can watch some movies twice in a row, or maybe more than twice.
Movie Spoilers Example
Still… it remains the question: But what’s this or that movie about? You, at Amazon’s IMDB, need to produce a logline without spoiling the action.
Let me give you an example of a logline without spoiling the movie:
A cop comes to L.A. to visit his estranged wife and her office building is taken over by terrorists – Die Hard
Is this spoiling? I don’t believe so. Now, Die Hard is with the old-fashioned action hero, more brains and smart talk than muscles, so his superhuman physical efforts look illogical. No one considers that Bruce Willis needs also an amazing strength to end his deeds. In those times you didn’t need to wonder. Nowadays you look at Jason Statham and take at the face value that hanging in one hand half an hour from a helicopter, and then sliding effortlessly on a plane’s wing, is normal. He is also topless, confirming that those schemes are just routine.
Bruce Willis doesn’t look like him, but you like him nevertheless. And you’re sure he’s going to save the day without Statham’s muscles.
“Oh, so this one is about terrorists. OK. Let’s watch it!”
A businessman falls in love with a hooker he hires to be his date for the weekend – Pretty Woman
This is a major spoiler, folks. Richard Gere falls in love with pretty Julia Roberts at the end of the movie, or near the end. Why don’t you put it like this:
A businessman hires a street girl to be his date for the weekend. He is so lucky, he doesn’t know it yet.

Bruce Willis in Die Hard (1988) – no spoiler in logline.
I know, there are two lines, but what the heck, it’s less spoiling. You are never prepared to fall in love with a hooker because she’s a hooker. What a bad word, hooker. You deliberately are shaming the woman by saying hooker. Better use street girl, or even prostitute, but the street girl is smoother.
A biographical movie or one about a historical event is not spoiled when you are learned and open-minded. Of course, there may be alternative versions of history or views on certain lives, like President’s Biden credo about believing in truth over facts. Truth is relative, a fact is a fact.
I hope you’ll appreciate this new chapter of my blog. If you have any suggestions, please don’t hesitate and contact me with anything related to movie spoilers.
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Thanks for sharing … extremely beneficial information.