The Shaman is a mind-bending science fiction short movie, directed, written, and produced by the Austrian filmmaker Marco Kalantari. It was released in March 2015, and after that, as one can find on the author's website, it started a successful run at Film Festivals such as Tribeca (where it has been nominated as "Best Narrative Short"), Sci-Fi-London, Dragon Con 2015, Portland Film Festival, San Diego Film Festival, Toronto NXT, Viennale and more... [source: … [Read more...]
Mother and Brother – a Winning Short Drama
Mother and Brother is an indie short movie presented at Arizona International Film Festival this year (2015), where it deservedly won the "Best Dramatic Short" Award. It was directed and written by a debutant named Dustin Cook. You know I don't spoil anything, and because I also have in mind to enrich this site with a few more subcategories, I start by telling you that I'll review short movies as well. They are all small pieces of art, you know? If you enjoy short stories, you'll enjoy short … [Read more...]