The Yellow Sea is a 2010 South Korean movie written and directed by Na Hong-jin, the one who made his debut in 2008 with a gruesome feature named The Chaser. Not that this one is less gruesome, or maybe it is. Bloody or not, it's watchable, you are prepared somehow in advance for the upcoming violence, so this is not a horror movie. As I already mentioned in a previous post, this is a surprise first review in this category. I should have started with a more classical piece like Chan-wook Park's … [Read more...]
New Sub-Category on Korean Cinema
The Korean cinema is a wanting chapter here on my blog. It seems that the highest-grossing domestic films in South Korea have little to do with the best Korean movies per se. Fortunately Parasite (2019) dragged international viewers to Korean cinema, but again, it seems that only pure money-making investments are sold on foreign markets. Too bad, because Korean cinema has a flavor of its own, different from what the Hollywood fan was stuffed with over the years. Why Marvel movies are so popular? … [Read more...]