Mr. Robot is another favorite show, premiered online by video on demand, on May 27, 2015. Shortly after that, the first season officially started on USA Network, on June 24, the same year. So came the second in 2016, the third in 2017, and eventually the fourth in 2019, a little bit forced if you ask me, but the important thing is that both public and critics generally liked it. I also want to say that even if I rarely offer spoilers in my reviews, this time, especially considering what happens … [Read more...]
Bohemian Rhapsody, Flattening the Adventure to a PG13
If by producing Bohemian Rhapsody, Brian May and Roger Taylor wanted to crown the process of canonizing Freddie Mercury started with the Tribute concert immediately after his death, they succeeded. The movie is not a bad one, but it is not a masterpiece either. An Oscar for Best Picture will only confirm that the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences' vote has nothing to do with art's expression. There were worst movies awarded and nobody could do anything but talk. It was entertaining … [Read more...]
The Story of Papillon 2018, Another Thwarted Movie
Before watching the 2018 version of Papillon, where a Scorpio is played yet by another Aries, I was very excited. I imagined a modern vision of this rich and adventurous book, with an advanced filming technique. I thought it will be something memorable, especially since Charlie Hunnam and the acclaimed Freddie Mercury's recently impersonator, Rami Malek, have both a lot of entertaining potentials. Unfortunately, my disappointment was directly measured upon my expectations. I have been … [Read more...]