As you see in the title, these are three subjects brain washing effective, involuntarily connected. I used to look at American Idol episodes, because sometimes, one or more genuine talents were spotted. Unfortunately, American Idol is a big business which is used not only to create large wealth, but to distract. My last watched season was the one David Cook have won. It was also one of the best seasons ever. I was an unofficial resident in Turkey when USA invaded Iraq, to "save the people there … [Read more...]
Twitter Conduct
I'm not an expert on Twitter and I'm not going to repeat here things written by renown Social Media experts or scientists, like Dan Zarrella or Pete Cashmore. I know, I should put some hyperlinks on the names and stuff. I'll put here, to a name I became to respect profoundly, courtesy of my Social Media and IT mentor, and that is Seth Godin, the founder of Squedoo. I've seen blog posts giving advice about Twitter from people with a few followers, seeming to be spammer themselves. No links, … [Read more...]