I’m not an expert on Twitter and I’m not going to repeat here things written by renown Social Media experts or scientists, like Dan Zarrella or Pete Cashmore.
I know, I should put some hyperlinks on the names and stuff. I’ll put here, to a name I became to respect profoundly, courtesy of my Social Media and IT mentor, and that is Seth Godin, the founder of Squedoo.
I’ve seen blog posts giving advice about Twitter from people with a few followers, seeming to be spammer themselves. No links, again, I’m not promoting such crap.
[source – free pictures]
I want to share something I feel here, personal and without pointing to wrong doings. I like Twitter. Yes, Twitter. I like it a lot. I want to share what I like and why I like what I like. Twitter is not all about money, and even if for some it is, it’s ok. Twitter is a place to feel the social vibe, to communicate, to share, to inspire and be inspired. One can make money there, of course, some more than others, there are sites where advertisers can find “publishers” to promote their products, with all the discretion required to not annoy others. Annoying can be the crap seller accounts on Twitter, accounts that continuously point themselves to you. They follow you, you ignore them, they unfollow and then follow again, screaming “me me me, I’m here and it’s essentially important to follow me me me”. You are polite and follow them and after that, your stream there is full with their crap. You tell them, and they don’t understand. So they claim. You unfollow that account and they follow you with different accounts, using the same persuasive methods. They are from India, USA, Germany. Smiley faces or not, sometimes with kids (disgusting to try to impress with an offspring or worse), they can blow up your disposition. South Park is a great show. They already made one episode about Facebook, which I enjoyed at maximum.
I have a broad range of likes. I follow back, but not all accounts. I can detect the ones resembling what I just said, I avoid to follow the ones with Twitter default pics as avatars, and I don’t follow the accounts without tweets, the eager newbies with 3 followers following one thousand in the first two days of life. I like the funny tweets, I like the quotes, I like photography, facts, movies (that’s obvious on this blog as well), oh, I like bloggers, writers, artists, advertisers, specialists, as I said, a broad range.
I like to dwell in the emptiness of conspiracy theory, so I like a thorough research in any subject, not the Michael Moore type. He wanted to be considered by all means. OK, there were problems and obviously still are, in the Medical Assurance System in USA, but what is this, to go to mock Guantanamo, as there life being better than the average American’s, especially after making that joke of a documentary called Fahrenheit 9/11. Only Bush’s face was relevant when he received the confirmation of what happened. Yes, the confirmation of an arranged attack against the United States as a whole. The rest was not even researched by Moore, it was superficially treated.
But I surpassed the subject, the conduct on Twitter. That’s it. I told you what I like and dislike. It’s easy to ignore. It’s as easy to act a little from time to time. If you see why, that is the point. Open your eyes, my good friends!
Open your eyes…
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Copyright © 2010 Rodolfo Grimaldi Blog – Twitter Conduct
Like your way of straight talk and thinking.And totally agree with you about those sellers who are into self promotion at all cost.
Well said – Rodolfo! :))