Woody Allen is one of the most prolific artists in Hollywood. Director, actor, producer, writer, screenwriter, everyone may ask what he is not, and sometimes, Woody Allen is just too much. Not the funniest guy on earth, but he is sometimes funny and simultaneously deep, which is rare. Vicky Cristina Barcelona (2008), Cassandra’s Dream (2007), Scoop (2006), Match Point (2005), Melinda and Melinda (2004), Anything Else (2003) are considered all comedies, but they’re just as forgettable as any other movie, whatever their imdb rank would be. I just had a revelation with Whatever Works (2009), not quite the last movie he wrote and directed, but the last movie I saw and who left a joyful impression on me and my darling, without expecting it.
[source: imdb.com]
We laughed and cried, and laughed again, because it was an unbelievable positive movie, regardless the sometimes gloomy characters, the situations were funny and deep, exactly as I said. Here is an excerpt of an anonymous imdb user review, I liked so much that I felt I don’t have much to say, even if as you’ll see, I’ll say, 🙂
I saw this movie in a packed cinema and the audience loved it to the extent that many applauded at the end. So I came home, looked it up in imdb and read some of the review by professional film critics. What I found helps to explain why nobody reads papers anymore and why professional movie reviews are increasingly irrelevant. The critics drooled all over themselves for No Country for Old Men — a ridiculous blood bath where the bad guy can see through walls, magically find people on the run, and kill repeatedly without raising much more that a mild interest from the local and state police. Yet many of these same critics think the characters in this new Woody Allen film aren’t realistic.
As much for the official movie critics. What I’ve noticed is that a lot of films with a positive view received very “bad critics” and the films with nonsense subjects, often violent, are highly praised by the same people writing inside the industry. I remember the very bad critics Death to Smoochie had at the time, and that is the reason I rarely visit Rotten Tomatoes site.
That is what I had to say about Woody Allen, a quote creator and a living genius, who’s obsession with the Jewishness of everything can be sometimes embarrassing but it is not. Other people’s same obsession (and linking to Woody Allen by that way), may become as embarrassing as it gets. One of these persons is the actress Scarlett Johansson who says she understands Woody Allen and have a very healthy and professional relationship with him because they are both Jewish. I think the the envy is directly proportional with the talent, and if it happens for some talented people to be considered members of this once closed community (not anymore, apparently), it is not their fault and anyway as everybody knows already, the Jews aren’t the root of all crisis and evil in the world, people involved in such abominable practices are “Jewish” only by name and convenience. Unfortunately, Johansson is a Jew who’s talent is not the enviable issue, and she was used mostly in a decorative way in Allen’s movies.
Whatever Works , imdb rank 7.2 (very low considering the quality of the movie), 90 minutes, released in 2009, a film written and directed by Woody Allen.
Here you have an official trailer:
Whatever Works – Bande Annonce du film – de LE-PETIT-BULLETIN
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Copyright © 2011 Rodolfo Grimaldi Blog – Good Things about Woody Allen
I loved Whatever Works. That said, I don’t remember much of it, other than I loved it, It’s sad really, how you can love something and yet have no impression left for it. I’m not sure why that happens. All I know is that the movies that do leave an impression have intrinsically real characters, and to me at least, a very twisted idea behind it. Have you seen Splice? The horror of it…
Anyway, so I don’t know about Rotten Tomatoes or IMDb but I love the site ‘Best for Film’, which now comes up with an error message and that worries me. Also, I’d like to point out that Vicky Christina Barcelona is a good movie within itself, no the best, but surely deep on some level. Or maybe that’s a woman’s opinion. 😀
Thanks, Rodolfo, for this! I love reading about movies and I wish I wrote about them more often. Hmm, maybe I should. 😉
I’m very glad you liked it. Oh, I don’t know about Splice, I think I haven’t seen it, but I do appreciate imdb and anyway, I read and see the “feeling” a film is letting to the public. There is also some critic there, but I rarely have the time to read it. By the way, I was invited to post some movie critics to a prestigious blog. I’m giving some thinking anyway, because they want exclusivity, :).