Frances Ha is a sensitive and positive movie which proves that if you believe in yourself, you can overcome the malice and the surrounding egoism. It is a black and white masterpiece, satirical, humorous and a little paranoid. It is a movie where you recognize a jerk from the first minute you see him/her even if Frances doesn’t spot them till the end.

Frances Ha – Greta Gerwig and Mickey Sumner
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Frances Ha is not a conventional comedy
Indeed, Frances Ha is not conventional, but in all of Noah Baumbach’s movies I have watched, the main character is far from being on the norm’s side. I wanted to review it from a long time, and now I found it very appropriate, especially since Greta Gerwig’s last movie, received a Golden Globe. About Lady Bird, I’ll write on a future occasion.

Greta Gerwig smoking
Frances Ha gets its title from chopping of the last letters in Frances Halliday’s name. It looks quirky and it seems to define the slightly immature character. She’s a dancer, but you can’t see if she’s extremely talented because no one puts the accent on it. She is loyal, she lives in an apartment in Brooklyn with her girlfriend, Sophie. She has a boyfriend, Benji, who invites Frances to move with him, but as I already said, she’s loyal to Sophie and refuses the advantages. She didn’t like the guy that much.

Michael Zegen and Adam Driver in Frances Ha
Anyway, about loyalty, her girlfriend had no scruples of moving out in a more expensive area, with her future husband to be. Frances is left alone, she can’t afford to rent something decent on her own, so she has to split with someone. It is not explained how she produces any money, because it seems nobody really helps her. She finds another place, she meets other people and so on, until the end which is very positive and fulfilling, even if the characters (except Frances, of course) are not.
Greta Gerwig is Frances Halliday, this freshly approached movie’s heroine. Mickey Sumner is Sophie, Frances’s “best” friend. Michael Esper is Dan, a very superficial guy. Adam Driver is Lev, an obnoxious prototype. Michael Zegen is Benji, an unimportant boyfriend. The movie is directed by Noah Baumbach of whom I have written in the past, and it is written by him in collaboration with his girlfriend at the time, Greta Gerwig herself. You have to know that Gerwig is not strange at producing and writing movies. Some people consider her annoying, but she’s not. She conquers you with her slightly agitated persona.

Greta Gerwig running
As you can notice in the trailer, everything points to a cheerful story. There were critics who didn’t like it, but I feel that it was only out of jealousy. As with a YouTube video with hundred thousand views and at least 10k likes, it’s impossible to not come a few hundred trolls to click the thumb down button. When the video is good, the likes/unlikes proportion will be always ten to fifty times in the “likes” favor. Now, if you want to lift up your spirits, Frances Ha is quite perfect for that.
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