I'm more and more unpleasantly impressed by the ultra en-vogue "artist" who Freddie Mercury or Queen inspired, called herself Lady "Gaga". I won't comment on her "message" who the great (mostly proper, less figurative) Stephen Fry understood, and not making a living from writing newspaper profiles, accepted to interview the "phenomenon", the "leader of a generation" of whom without shame adores, because, as he and his partner know, and her critics know as well, she is the voice of the ugly, the … [Read more...]
Let’s “Regulate”
France likes to present itself as "one of America’s principal rivals around the world", so with the seizure of "the most electable French person" and locking him up, according to an American lynch mentality not enough unapproved (like arresting the dictator of Panama and throwing him in a jail in Florida, or awarding Saddam Hussein's revolver to George W. Bush, or the bombing of places where Qaddafi is thought to hide and killing his son and grandchildren), France have fallen within the pattern … [Read more...]
American Idol, Gaga and the Royal Wedding
As you see in the title, these are three subjects brain washing effective, involuntarily connected. I used to look at American Idol episodes, because sometimes, one or more genuine talents were spotted. Unfortunately, American Idol is a big business which is used not only to create large wealth, but to distract. My last watched season was the one David Cook have won. It was also one of the best seasons ever. I was an unofficial resident in Turkey when USA invaded Iraq, to "save the people there … [Read more...]
It is not enough!
This is a simple statement: I shall say more, other time, when people with more information will deploy more facts. It is not enough. Impressive the support offered to Assange by Ken Loach and John Pilger, both respected names. If you liked what you read (and for that I humbly thank you for your patience), subscribe to this blog by Email! Follow this blog on Twitter, and on Facebook! For a joyous day, check out my pins on Pinterest or my grams on Instagram 😄. I hope you … [Read more...]