Rarely I felt the urge to repeat myself so much, but this one is an important matter. I like this blog to offer unique views on ordinary things, but the logical views are common sense. So the uniqueness is impossible for this matter. I can create unique posts, and I'll be proud of them after that, when someone mentions something valuable taken from this blog. But it is impossible to be unique when you urge a serious blog writer to make this service to humanity from his or her's owned domain, and … [Read more...]
It’s Christmas Time
Christmas is almost here, joyous time for all of us, no matter religion. A new and better year will come! In this spirit, I am eager to help out some bloggers stuck in the traps of free blogging services. Bloggers are a diverse and vibrant community, but, unfortunately, many accomplish far less than what they are truly capable of. Many times it's because the only trifle about a blog is starting it. The rest is complicated if you're serious about blogging. It is a shame that many … [Read more...]
Video Code and YouTube
No matter how happy I was for adding Disqus to power my comments, something very useful with all it's items and pingback and tracking, also handy when you comment on a blog who uses it as well, along with this cute socializing thumb symbols on the left of the screen, I have had real problems with youtube embed video code. As I said in a previous post, I had to toggle between "visual" and "HTML" when editing, and guess what happened every time I left "HTML"? The video code evaporated. I realy … [Read more...]
To Start a Blog
To start a blog you need to talk well. To start a blog you have to have imagination. To start a blog you need confidence. All other things you think you need, may come after these three, because these three are the most important, no matter what you read elsewhere. From all these three, the last one is the more important. So, let's talk about confidence. Why you need it? For me is obvious, don't know if for you it works the same. Using a site called "blog" is like using a notepad, only it's … [Read more...]