The series created by HBO, primarily chronicles the lives and deeds of two common men: Lucius Vorenus and Titus Pullo, two Roman soldiers mentioned historically in Caesar's De Bello Gallico. The fictionalized Vorenus and Pullo manage to witness and often influence many of the historical events presented, of which not all are accurate. Only two seasons were made, the first season depicts Julius Caesar's civil war of 49 BC against the traditionalist conservative faction in the Roman Senate, his … [Read more...]
Gothic – Solomon Kane
This is not necessarily about a genre per se, it’s about Solomon Kane, a movie that hardly saves face with the impressive cast, better than Van Helsing anyway, which is a stupid fantasy. At least Solomon Kane is a Gothic fantasy, pushed even to the limit of SciFi with a Transformers’ inspired “beast” (one of the multitude of Devil crones) and the Highlander Series inspired soul-energy surge, you’ll see if you have the patience to spend (let say spend, not lose) effectively 94 minutes, or the … [Read more...]