I don't think I have ever watched a super production more stupid and senseless than The Fate of the Furious. It is full of stars and it's so empty, so illogical and so futile, it's incoherent and it's witless. Folks! It's terrible; you know my allergies to junk like The Avengers (which I have labelled trash at least once), but believe me; The Avengers franchise is a masterpiece near this junk. [source of all pics: imdb.com] The Insane Plot We have here a female villain very … [Read more...]
Good Bye, Paul Walker
It happens without my will! This category, created for news and stuff like that, makes the obituaries more than anything else. I'll try to change that in the future. I know Paul Walker before the movie that made him famous, The Fast and the Furious. I noticed him in The Skulls, in 2000 and only after that, in the movie co stared with Vin Diesel. He was good, but not extraordinary. Very good for the roles he acted. He was good looking as well. On November 30, 2013, Walker and a 38 years old … [Read more...]