I wanted to write about the Latvian documentary called The Soviet Story, inspired by a magazine article I read a few weeks ago. Of course I have searched for the movie and seen it. The critical view I read, was not at all reasonable, on the contrary, speculations were made that the film could be an exaggeration of the truth. I remember having met a lot of opinions in a certain matter discussed in the documentary, and I was intrigued by the lack of data. In time, I completely forgot. It was about the famine provoked in Ukraine by Stalin’s troops, in order to keep the country in the Soviet Union. The documentary shows the period when Stalin was Hitler’s ally in the Second World War. A fact nobody seems to care anymore about. The Soviets were always better than the Nazis.
This is the general idea. Of course, there are still Nazi type organizations, supported or tolerated by the local regime, be it in USA, Russian Federation or other “democratic” country. Leading to another aspect. You know, all the important words we use in science or in politics are Greek of Latin, which has also a Greek ascendance, if not even older one, Sanskrit. But let’s take the demos meaning “people” and kratos meaning “power” in the word “democracy”, which is one of the most misleading words used in all the modern “civilized” countries political propaganda. As in a dictatorship supported by the people, the word has no meaning. The word is as old as the Ancient Athens, having an ancient meaning. Let’s take the word “matricide” which is a Latin word, coming from mater – “mother” and caedere – “to kill”. So we have the meaning of the crime of “mother killing” with its historical examples of whom Nero’s one, the poor mad Roman Emperor ordering the killing of Agrippina, his mother, comes to my mind first. Let’s take another one, not used at all in antiquity, because even if it sounds “ancient” it is actually a modern term. The word genocide, resembles matricide a little, isn’t it? Yes, a little bit. This word is a modern word, conceited in 1940 by a Jewish guy called Raphael Lemkin. It comes from the Greek genos, meaning birth, race, and the Latin caedere. It was invented after the facts were committed, by the member of a race allegedly upon the crime was committed. In 1948, the new founded United Nations Organization gave a legal definition to the term, genocide being “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group children of the group to another group.” ( from the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide ). It is actually the intent of a group to destroy another group, in whole or in part. No intent proved, no genocide. On the other way, a massacre is the “general and unnecessary slaughter of members of one group by one or more members of another more powerful group”. Massacre comes from Latin, meaning “mass sacrifice”. I never knew why “genocide” is more evil than “massacre”? Maybe because we were lead to think that if a certain “race” or ethnic group suffered separately in the WWII, now it’s time for the rest of the nations to pay? I think that’s the reason. And another ethnic group took the example now, demanding the recognition of another “genocide” by a people (actually more than the people, the government of that people) having little to do today with that old event.
The first ethnic group proved “the intent” because they were compelled to wear signs determining and out-casting them as members of that certain group upon genocide was committed. No matter that the rest of the population was killed too, the rest of the population died because of war, not because of an ethnic or racial purge, the rest was only massacred. So just excuses are not enough. Governments and whole countries have to pay. But that “intent” as a whole, was a grave mistake. Nobody can imagine such a plan to be mastered by the ethnic group itself, like a rat mindset behavior. Nobody can imagine the involvement of US Government in the 9/11 events as well, so the history is fabricated upon the interest of other certain groups, being easier to speculate values already implemented, keywords like “democracy”, “patriotism”, “Christian”, “Jesus”, and one of the trendiest now, “terrorism”.
In the meantime, SOPA, ACTA, PIPA and/or many many more will become facts, and we will have less and less the opportunity to express ourselves without being taken responsible for suppressing our curiosity fire, by digging for knowledge without having the designated right to that knowledge. The right designated by others, as it comes. The power controls the money. Without money, there is no education. Without education there is no knowledge. Without knowledge, the people can be gulled to believe everything. And that’s the end of the human race.
Why only the Nazis are the big bad wolf? Why the “bear”, Stalin is considered funny sometimes? Why are there at least two brands of Vodka bearing his name? Why Germans excused publicly for crimes their ancestors were deceived to commit? Why Ukrainians and the other former Soviet “Socialist Republics” say nothing or at least almost nothing about the crimes committed upon themselves, the “genocides”, the “massacres” and the deportations, the systematically wiping of whole people, communities and ethnic groups? Why some other ethnic group, the Armenian, feels hatred where it isn’t and hates the people who shelters them? It is a lot to discuss in the matter. We can go also back, and pretend to take back Constantinople, because it is ours, not theirs, isn’t it now? Jews took back “their” Holy Land, with some money, with some force and a lot of persuasion. Why? Because God gave them that land, four-five thousand years ago, it’s common sense. We need back “Constantinopolis”, it is the Eastern Empire’s Capital, so it’s ours. The Turks have to go back to China, only it’s not sure they’ll be welcomed there. Who are we? We, the Ostrogoths! Hmm… You have to see the film, my friends. You’ll change a little your vision upon some mediatized facts. You’ll find that Nazis went to Soviet Union to learn to build concentration camps, or how Nikita Khrushchev was allowed to kill seven or eight thousand “enemies” per month and he asked: “Please increase my quota to 17,000!”. But what you know is that Khrushchev was somehow in good talking relations with President Kennedy, he “condemned” Stalin as a criminal almost immediately after his death, so it was a good guy, oh and Trotsky, was a good guy as well, not a criminal like Stalin, who ordered his execution…
Directed and Written by Edvīns Šnore
Narrated by Jon Strickland
Editing by Nic Gotham
Release date – May 5, 2008
Running time – 85′
Country – Latvia
Language – English/Russian
7.8 imdb rate
[I hope you’ll take my irony as it is, not as an offense. Far from me the thought of offending the “minorities” who are actually far greater in numbers than almost any given nation. Think of the Chinese minority, for sample…]
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Copyright © 2012 Rodolfo Grimaldi Blog – The Ukraine’s Genocide
As a German it´s interesting how people from other countries think about this topic. I think the impression of the systematic killing in concentration camps is too big to see what Soviets or whoever comitted in this era. Even if Khrushchev was Stalin´s successor, he belonged to the “not as evil as the Nazis”-side. Thx for the recommendation, I have to see it!
They say Khrushchev was buddy-buddy with Kennedy even with all that overtly fuss about nuclear missiles in Cuba…and by condemning Stalin as a criminal he became definitively a “good guy” in the eyes of the Western World. Peoples from other countries tend to mock the Germans some times, but they secretly admire their discipline and integrity. Other groups, less informed and easier manipulated admire Nazis as well. But the documentary is about the Soviets still perceived by the public as not only “less evil as the Nazis”, but quite funny and strong in their bland fashion. The documentary was very controversial because it shows the Soviets during Stalin’s time as being far worse than the Nazis, a concept nobody in these times can grasp.
Excellent post, Daniel! Susan
Thank you so much :).